Evaluating the Evidence


Based on 20 peer-reviewed studies, An Antidote to Violence: Evaluating the Evidence provides peer-reviewed evidence that the Transcendental Meditation® technique and its advanced programs can reduce violence and improve harmony in society, by significantly reducing the levels of collective stress and tension. 

The findings are impressive and more relevant now than ever before, at a time of global tensions and social transformation. Each of the 20 experiments documented in the book records the effect of sufficient numbers meditating each day, either on their own or together, for a period of weeks or months and in some cases years, resulting in reduced negative trends and enhanced positive progress and integration in society. 

Praise for this book

I was initially skeptical that such a simple solution could be effective. However, after examining the evidence, I changed my mind. An Antidote to Violence is a serious and well-researched book that offers an unconventional but effective peaceful solution to violence and terrorism.

Barry Spivack and Patricia Saunders address the problems of preventing violence and war with a high level of professionalism, and, by examining a means to achieve sustainable peace supported by long-term research, have created a book that is hugely relevant. Most importantly, they highlight the interdependence of power, violence, security, and individual and collective consciousness. This book will be extremely useful for people of all nationalities, regardless of their status, different religious beliefs, personal preferences and life strategies. The theoretical and methodological principles outlined here deserve to be studied carefully and disseminated in the world.

My most sincere congratulations to the authors for their research and presentation of this book. I hope it will be read and applied by leaders of government and by all in general for the good of society and each person in particular.

Based on hard evidence corroborated by rigorous scientific studies, this is a compelling and convincing account of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s effective approach to creating lasting peace through Transcendental Meditation. The book compiles an array of incredible success stories from all over the world in an easily readable style for all those interested in addressing the monumental challenge of eradicating violence and conflict.

An Antidote to Violence is a timely book that traces the progress of scientific studies of the Maharishi Effect as they developed from modest beginnings to large-scale demonstrations involving thousands of people practicing advanced Transcendental Meditation techniques near conflict zones. The results of these experiments were then published in scientific journals. This book is especially good at discussing the evidence and the alternative explanations that have been advanced for the results. I can recommend the book to all readers with an open mind.

An Antidote to Violence should be required reading for anyone passionate about creating a sustainable global peace. Neuroscientists, historians and philosophers are certain to find sections of the book of great interest. Students will discover many attractive ideas to delve into for their theses or dissertations. Come to think of it, everyone should read this book. Our future may depend on it.